The Applied Varimount 350 PTO Air Compressor is one of the fastest ways to power a blow down gun for the cleaning of poultry sheds

Ensuring cleanliness in poultry houses, coops, and enclosures is crucial for preventing the spread of germs among flocks. It’s essential to conduct a thorough cleaning followed by disinfection to maintain flock health and prevent disease transmission.

For effective cleaning, enclosures should be emptied beforehand. If you have a poultry house, wait until it’s vacant before starting the cleaning process. Similarly, if you have a coop or other enclosure, relocate the birds to a separate area prior to cleaning. Remove all litter, manure, and debris from the area.

Our Applied Varimount 350 PTO Air Compressor, coupled with a blow down gun, simplifies the task by effortlessly removing loose debris, making the cleaning process a breeze.

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Meet Harrison Hollins, a UK-based free-range poultry farmer who's taking his cleaning game to the next level with Two Applied Varimount 350 PTO Air Compressors purchased from our dealer CH Machinery Ltd.

What else can you use this versatile machine for?

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